Sunday, 22 March 2015

Position and Orientation (Geometry with Eb)

Description: We have been learning about Position and Orientation with Eb. It is a part of our learning about Geometry at maths time.

WALT: give and follow directions using, left, right, up, down, North, South, East and West


1. What major landmarks can you see from the Plaza? The Bus Stop and Subway

2. What is the closest landmark North-West from McDonalds? City Library

3. What direction is the Arena from United Video? South-West

4. After the doctors I turn right down Victoria Ave and turn right at the round about. I travel South-West until the main road. Turn left. Follow road and stop at the 3rd right turn.Travel South-West and stop at the bottom corner of the square. What am I doing?...

a) Going Shopping        
b) Getting a Sandwich at Subway        
c) Getting a library book        
d) Hiring a DVD

5. Create your own instructions for someone to follow using the language you have learned.

From United Video go south until the main road and then turn South-East and take the third turn and then go to the end of the road and turn right and then turn left at the main road and go to the bottom of the road and where are you.

Evaluation: I think I need to make my directions more clear so my partner can get to where I want him to.

Feedback/Forward: I think that you did well on your geometry maybe you could add more of an image in my head. #Maraki

Sunday, 8 March 2015


Purpose: Create a story to share orally
Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.



Big Idea: My moral of my story is that Smart beats Strength. Of course a Bear Cub is smarter than a Wolf.

Evaluation: I think I need to talk a bit slower and use different voices for different characters

I think that you have a really good plan but you can explain it a better because I didn't really understand it. #Maraki

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Pepeha 2015


A pepeha tells people about how you connect to a place. This is our Russell Street School pepeha.

Ko Ruahine me Tararua ngā maunga

Ko Manawatu te awa

Ko Kurahāupo te waka

Ko Rangitāne te iwi

Ko Te Ahu A Turanga te marae

Ko Russell Street School te kura

Ko (Dad’s name) rāua ko (Mum’s name) ōku mātua

Ko (Your Name) au

Monday, 2 March 2015

Star Reading Test

Description: On Thursday we did a Star Test it was based on reading. Here is my test!

Big Idea: My Goal is to improve my Comprehension. To get better at that I need to ask questions to myself when I read so I can understand what the author means.