Monday, 18 May 2015

Catch Me if you can

Every week we learn about skills and movement that will help us play sports. This term’s focus has been around defense. We made a video showing some of the goals we have been practicing. I have highlighted the thing I think I have done well BOLD and one thing I would like to work on italic.

WALT: Defensive skills and movements
Success Criteria:
Body Movement
Weight on balls of feet
Feet shoulder width apart
Knees flexed
Concentration and eyes on ball, head and eyes up
Push hard off outside foot and go forwards to attack pass
Quick small feet, stay on balls of feet
Arms within confines of body
Take feet to ball
Land with a SBP


Body angled to see player and ball
Anticipate pass and player movement

Restrictive Marking:

Meet player as they start towards the ball/where they want to go
stay close to the attacking player
Head and eyes up, arms close to body to avoid obstruction/contact
Angle body so attacking player is ‘pushed’ away from where he/she wants to go
0.9m from ball carrier
Evaluation: I think I can improve on making the player go the way I want them to because it would make it easier for me to defend. I think I am good at staying sideways so I can see the player and ball, that helps me defend because I can see both the ball, the ball carrier and the guy I am trying to defend.

Feedback/Feedforward: good job Jaiden you were good at keeping your eyes on the ball you could work on landindind stable Thomas.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Discovery time

Description: Today in discovery time we made a marble track and this is how long it was, we inspired other people to make a marble track. We made several Different tracks. It took us a lot of attempts at it to get it right. This was showing excellence because it took heaps of attemps

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Inform Writing

Sea Turtles

Did you know that there are two different types of sea turtles. One of them is named leatherback and loggerhead. The two different types of turtles spend 99% of there time in the water. The leatherback turtle can weigh up to 1000kg, WOW. Some Female turtles have to swim over 1000 kilometers just to lay their eggs. Sea turtles eat jellyfish and crabs, is that all. Every 1-3 years they have to lay more eggs.</span>Did you know that there are two different types of sea turtles. One of them is named leatherback and loggerhead. The two different types of turtles spend 99% of there time in the water. The leatherback turtle can weigh up to 1000kg, WOW. Some Female turtles have to swim over 1000 kilometers just to lay their eggs. Sea turtles eat jellyfish and crabs, is that all. Every 1-3 years they have to lay more eggs.