Sunday, 30 August 2015

Maths Portfolio Sample

Description: In maths I have been working with Troy. I have been focusing on Multiplicating & Dividing decimals. When I'm not working with Troy I am doing work from my NZCM Stage 7 book. In Stage 7 I have been focusing on Proportional Adjustment. My go to strategy would be an Algorithm.


Big Idea: My goal is to use the most efficient strategy for the question I get

 In the 1st strategy I did PVP (Place Value Partitioning). I split 176 into 160 & 16. Then I worked out that 5x32s = 160 and you can't divide 16 by 32. So you have a remainder of 16 but you don't want to leave anyone behind so you will need another bus. So that will leave you with 6. 

In the 2nd strategy I used known facts. I went 30x5=150 & 2x5=10, then I added 10+150 which =160 with a remainder of 16. So you need to buy another bus so no one gets left behind. So you get 6 buses.

In the next question. The first strategy I used was an Alga Rythm, I went 3x0 which = 0 so I put the 0 down the bottom. Then I went 3x9 = 27 but you only put the 7 down the bottom and then I put the 2 above the next number in the equation. So then you go 3x4=12 but then you got to add on the 2 from the number above which gives you 14 but you only put the 4 down and put the 1 above the next number. Then you go 3x1=3 and then add the one from the last equation. Then you have to do that all again for the 1. But before you start you have to put a 0 down the bottom. After you have done all the equations for the 1 you add the 2 bottom numbers together. Then the answer I got was 193.70. What did you get? 

Then in the 2 strategy I used PVP. I split the 14.90 into 14 and 90 and went 14x13 which equals 182 & 90x13=1170 but then you have to put the decimal back in so you have 11.70. Then you add 182 & 11.70 which gives you an answer of 193.70. Comment below if you got a different answer and how you got it.


Evaluation: I reckon on I did well at using a variety of strategy's, but next time I reckon I could use the most efficient strategy for the questions not a whole lot of different strategy's.

Feedback/Feedforward: I really like how you have explained your strategies in both your pictures and your mini description. Next time you could add more to your description (You could talk about multiplication time.) and evaluation. Mitchell 

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Writing Portfolio Sample

Description:  In writing we chose a goal that we thought we needed to work on. I chose Ideas because I need to work on planning templates my work so I have ideas all the time.


Big Idea: We used the mountain planning to plan out our story so we had ideas right the way through & we added some clues to the problem. We described what our characters were feeling, what they could see, hear e.g. We brainstormed precise nouns, descriptive adjectives to describe what was happening in the story.

"Nooooo" screeched Bob the Bird. Bob was Bill (the king of birds) best friend. Bob has just got the news that Bill got chomped by the cats from the budgie-news. Tears were flowing like a waterfall from bob's eyes. All night and day bob lay in his bead with pain. Then he decided to take Bill's place and train his budgie's to become warriors (fit & strong.)

Ha, Pow, Ping. Bob his making his troops train until they flop. Drip, drop, drip, drop, sweat everywhere. "Gimme 20 Sam or your running laps. While Sam was doing his strenuous press-ups he stared over at the sea where the waves were flowing like the wind. You could see the bright steamy sun's reflection amongst all the light blue waves. The budgies live in a secret town far away from cat land. They call there land Paradise City. Sam was in the centre of the city which is called the Brick Hall where they have all there special events. Once Sam was done he jogged over to the water fountain and gulped down loads of water of refreshing water. While he gulped down the refreshing water he remembered that tomorrow was "REVENGE". 

The next day at night Sam went into cat land to start the revenge, he sharpened the end of a stick and threw it at the power line. He threw the stick like a dart. "Rarrrr" screeched thousands of cats. In a flash the power went out. It turned dark, spooky & scary. "ATTACK" Screamed Sam. All the cats got frightened & the budgies attacked throughout the night. 5 nights ago on the dark, spooky Monday bob set up a scary basement full of bird cages. "Rarrrr" screeched the cats. The budgies started there attack with anger, chasing cats into cages.

At 5:00 in the morning all the fierce birds had trapped every last cat. All there hard work paid off. NO MORE CATS" the birds screamed. "YAY"

The next day they had a ceremony in the brick hall. They were announcing the new king. "Drum Roll Please" Boom, Boom, Boom. And the new king Is. "Me me me me" Bob said to himself. "BOB" "YAY" screamed bob "BY" "WOOHOO" screeched Bobby. "OHH" Droned Bob. And Bobby got crowned king that very day

Feedback/Feedforward: You have done a good job on hading descriptive words but you could of shortened the story by not using words you need to. #Thomas

Evaluation: I think I did well at describing the setting and how the character felt, but next time I think I could work on sticking to the main points.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Production (Wearable Arts)

Description: This term we are making a garment for our Production. We have to create the garment and use the Upcycling Materials. I chose the theme Heroes & Villians with Rebecca. I chose this because I was thought making a Hero or a Villian would be fun. The Purpose of the Production is around Ora which means life.



So far I have painted my smock black & put scrunched up tin foil on it as part of my logo. I have created part of a rain stick and done 4 layers of paper mâché. Next time I am going to finish my logo. Do another layer for my paper mâché & make my rain stick longer and put rice in it and cover up the other side.

1) The materials that I used to create my garment were:

I used 1 balloon, millions of newspaper, skinny carboard, rice, duck tape, paint, tin foil, hot glue gun &  Foam Cylinders.

2) The most challenging thing about production for me was: 

waiting for my paint to dry so I can do more layers.

3) One way I demonstrated a growth mindset during production was:

Not giving up on my rain stick when I didn't like the sound of the 1st things I put in there.

4) Something I am really proud of about production was:

My mask because it took a very long time & u was getting frustrated, but now I'm glad I created it.

5) Our school vision is to create agency, creativity and excellence. I showed this by:

I showed excellence by doing more than 1 layer when I was painting. I showed agency by doing paper mâché layers in the morning before school so I could catch up what I had missed. I showed creativity by taking time and thinking about what I could do to improve it.

Feedback/Feedforward: you have done a brilliant garment but you could have done a better paint job on the smock. #Thomas b

Evaluation: I think I did well at per severing when things got tricky. Next time I could of used my time more wisely. 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Wind Trees

I watched this video based on scientists that have found a way to make the wind tree. We had to write a summary about what would be good about that and what would be bad.
Here is my summary:

The Wind Trees will be better than windmills because they would be easier to fix cause the aren't that tall. It wouldn't be that good because it will cost heaps of money. And it will be hard to make millions of wind leaves. Also Manaatu wouldn't be known as the windmills. What would we be known as?

Sport, Sport, Sport

Me and my friend Thomas created a poster about all the excited & nerve racking sports. We made it about the NZ sports in the weekend. Rugby, Netball & B-Ball. Here it is:

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Reading Portfolio Sample

Description:  In reading we choose a goal at the start of the year Summarising or Questioning. I choose Summarising. We take two workshops a week about our goal, then when we aren't having a workshop we are doing task's based on our goal. We have to do three of these tasks and the two workshops in 4 days. The tasks are called tic tac toes.


Big Idea:

I read an article on based on a bionic eye. After I read the article I had to write about what I thought. I worked with Loki on this tic tac toe. Here is my writing:

Ryan Flynn got the world's first bionic eye. He wears special glasses that have a little camera in them. It sends video images as electrical pulses to electrodes Implanted in the back of his eye. The main surgeon is Professor Paulo Stanga. I reckon this could fix blindness in the world but each bionic eye costs heaps of money. The other problem would be that it would take ages for the surgeons to complete the surgery.

Feedback/Feedforward: I really like the detail that you put in your description 
Next the you could make the task more interesting. #Jett Donald-Charnley

Evaluation: I reckon I did well at adding interesting bits into my summary. Next time I think I could do better at making the audience have a better understanding of what it was about.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Auto-Correct Humanity


If you spend to much time on technology you will forget about the things you were really made for. If you think about technology to much you may break some friendships. Your still aloud on your technology but don't get to addicted so you forget about the real world