Sunday, 10 August 2014

Fishing for the future

Purpose: To persuade your audience to agree with your perspective. By sharing our opinion with othersto make them believe your point of view.

WALT: Persuade

Task: To write a persuasive piece of writing about “fishing for the future”

target green.jpg        Target yellow.jpg        Target red.jpg


Peer Assessment

  • I can hook the audience with a dynamic opening sentence.           target green.jpg


  • I can convey an opinion.     target green.jpg

  • I can support my points with detail e.g. evidence                                                Target yellow.jpg

  • I can useconnectives (because, furthermore, although) tolink ideas.      Target yellow.jpg

  • I can use rhetorical questionsTarget yellow.jpg


  • I can re-state to conclude                      Target red.jpg

  • You can hook the audience with a dynamic opening sentence yes 

  • You can convey an opinion sort of 

  • You can support my points with detail e.g. evidence sort of

  • You can useconnectives (because, furthermore, although) tolink ideas not really

  • You can use rhetorical questions sort of

  • You can re-state to conclude yes

Go Fishing

Hey you, when you go fishing have you been following these rules? Whenever you go fishing on a boat you must where a life jacket!!! Full stop. Even if you are a really excellent swimmer you have to wear a life jacket. You never know you might get caught in something, so you always have to wear a life-jacket, understand.

Have you ever caught a baby fish, well if you have I hope you put it back because it needs time to grow, although if the fish is a beauty you must put it back because it will have babies. Have you been respecting these rules? 

If you catch a fish, when it comes out of the water you put it in salt-ice, hey I said salt-ice not ice, salt-ice. 

When it comes out you also have to put it in a towel, oops not a towel a wet towel, understand.

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