Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The learning pit

The Learning Pit

WALA: The Learning Pit

Description: We have been learning about when good learning happens.  

Task: Share what you know about the learning pit.

Draw the Learning Pit.
List at least 3 feelings that you might have when you are in the pit.
List at least 3 strategies that you could use to get out of the pit.
Label where good learning happens.
List 3 things you could say to yourself when you are in the pit.

Reflect on a time when you have been in the pit. First day of school and each year coming into a different environment because you don't know what you're doing
How did you feel when you were in the pit?  Challenged
What did you do to work out of the pit? Ask and find people that know the inviroment


I like your poster it is really easy to read good job   #Thomas 

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing you in the pit and using some of these strategies to climb out.
