WALT Evaluate
Success Critria
Complete Triathlon
I better start warming up
This is my friend Thomas and me warming up. We're practicing our swimming. I am so excited. We start at 10:10, WOW look at the time it's 9:45. I better get ready. It's our turn now. Here as I hop in the pool I feel the chill running through the water. ON YOUR MARKS GET SET GO!!! Here we go racing through the water, I'm doing freestyle as I race through the water, I come out of he pool and I'm running to the Transition Area. I dry myself of then I put on my top and then put on my socks and shoes then I put on my Helmet. Then a way I go to bike, along the Manawatu river track and back through the esplanade. Now it's time for the run.
OH MY GOSH it's so hard to run after biking and swimming. Here I come about to finish. FINISHED!!!!
Now it's time to rest.
I was successful at completing the Weet-bix tryathlon I could of biked a bit faster because I wasn't puffed At the end of the ride
Thanks for your reflection Thomas! I love how you decided to present it in a story form. I can see that you have used short sharp sentences to add impact! Great! What did you learn as a result of participating in the Weet-Bix Tryathlon? Anything about yourself? What would you do differently if you did it again next year?